summer slim down

27 May

It seems like as summer has crept closer and closer, so have peoples insecurities about their current fitness level and how they are going to look in swimwear. Here’s the deal …If being healthy is you goal (as it should be not just a ultimate weight number) then there are some permanent changes that need to be made. Here are some tips if you are needing some help. These are some things that have made all the difference for me.

1.) Figure out what you want (is it short term? long term? weight goal? and a goal not related to pant size, dress size, or weight. )

2.) COUNT your calories!!!
I can not stress this enough… a big part of weight loss is simply calories in and calories out. So in order to hit your goal you have to be aware of what you are putting in your body so you know what you have to do at the gym.

3.) Choose QUALITY food!
YES you are calorie counting, but those 100 calorie packs are not going to satisfy that hunger cravings of yours. It takes less calories to full you up when you choose whole foods and not processed foods

4.) Cook at home as much as possible
By you making it, you will know what goes into it. When eating out they have calories and fat listed, but many places don’t add on the sodium content. Sodium is a little hidden devil that can throw your goal weight in an instant.

5.) Go to the gym!!
If you are wanting to get fit, trim, and healthy you can not do it without working out. It is not possible. so join a gym, or do home workouts, or go outside…do what you have to do but put in your time

6.) Eliminate empty calories
Transition yourself off juice (make it yourself), soda, and try to limit sugary drinks, and try to cut down on caffeine. Everything in moderation. If one day you cheat a little then that just means you are going to have to work that much harder at the gym.

7.) Don’t get frustrated.
You are going to get irritated, have bad days, have moments when your cravings are taking over. Take one day at a time and keep in mind why you wanted to do this in the first place.

8.) Set health attainable goals
Yes, we would all LOVE to throw up numbers like they do on “The Biggest Loser” but that just isn’t going to happen, mainly because we are not working out 8hours a day 7 days a week.

9.) Whenever you see a diet fad come around…JUST.SAY.NO.
Diet fads come and go, the real way you are going to win this challenge is day in, day out…and working your butt off and putting 100% of your heart in this.

10.) Get some accountability.
Trust me, we all need support. I don’t care how strong you think you are. We all have weak days and we need someone there to give you a hug, know what your going through and kick your butt back into gear. My best friends, fitness friends, coworkers, this blog, facebook has been a huge support system to me and without it I don’t know where I would be.

Getting healthy and losing weight is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, and i’m not done yet. It is physical, mental, emotional and an uphill struggle some days. It is worth every hard day, everyday you feel like your not where you should be know that you are headed there..and you are a hell of a lot closer than you were yesterday.

Hope this helps

With Love.

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Posted by on May 27, 2012 in Uncategorized



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